One-on-one services
Quick start services
Become a Million Dollar Fundraiser
Learn how to become a professional grant writer or fundraiser in 4 one-on-one sessions.
Topics Included:
Grant Writing Basics
Building Proposals
Developing Grant Budgets
Tricks of the Trade
Bonus Opportunity: Have your first 3 submissions reviewed and critiqued.
Executive Support Services
There are fewer supports for today’s executive. Most are left solo to manage logistics for presentations, events, travel, and sourcing. While this does allow for more independence, it can also reduce functionality for primary responsibilities and create unwanted stress. DMB offers Executive Support Services that can help you with many tasks.
Event management & budgeting
Travel management
Website content building
Managing digital correspondence
Product or services sourcing
Document editing & design
Services can be booked in monthly blocks of 10 or 15 hours.
Business Support Services
Are you a sole proprietor or a small nonprofit working to take your enterprise to the next level but lack executive capacity? Sankofa Consulting can provide you with a monthly package within your budget to assist in maximizing your executive functionality.
Types of possibilities:
Processing tax correspondence
Building a website
Managing website content
Product or services sourcing
Development of policies & procedures
Building a development, marketing, business, or strategic plan
Services can be booked in monthly blocks of 10 or 15 hours.